Margaret Bass
Birth: circa 1944
Death: April 2, 2003
Criminal Details
Matt Elofson Feb 4, 2011
Suspect’s death ends Cottonwood murder case
A murder charge was recently dropped after the Cottonwood murder suspect died.
Attorney Eric Davis said his client, Frank Bass Jr., had his murder case dropped after he died last year. Davis said his client died sometime in the spring of 2010. According to court records Bass would have been 74.
According to a Dothan Eagle report, Houston County Sheriff’s investigators charged Bass on April 2, 2003, with the murder of his wife, Margaret Bass. Mrs. Bass, 59, suffered a single fatal gunshot wound to the head with a small-caliber gun at the couple’s Pybus Road home in Cottonwood.
Davis said at an earlier hearing his client’s health had deteriorated after he suffered a stroke several years ago while in jail. He also said his client had been living in a nursing home in Barbour County.
Source: View DothanEagle.com Article