Nehemiah Jaylen Armstrong
Birth: June 9, 2015
Death: November 9, 2018
None found
Criminal Details
Kendra Majors – Published 1:58 am Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Family mourns 2-year-old, seeks healing prayers for hospitalized twin
A River Falls family is grieving for the loss of a 2-year-old and praying for quick recovery of the 2-year-old’s twin brother.
“Nehemiah was 2 years old and recently passed,” said family member Kimanisha Trawick, who has organized a GoFundMe account for the family. “We are asking if anybody can help a little bit with the funeral costs for our loss. Nehemiah meant the world to all of us and deserves a nice funeral ceremony. He was so sweet and kind with everyone and he always gave everyone a great big smile and was so loving to his twin brother and his sisters. Please help his mom, sisters, little brother and the family, as we lost an amazing child.”
Nehemiah Armstrong was the son of Emery Armstrong, who is also currently having to travel out of town to visit her other 2-year-old son, Jeremiah Armstrong, who is hospitalized.
The family plans to use some of the money raised to help with the gas expense to and from the hospital.
Trawick has set at $3,000 fundraising goal. At press time, $560 of it had been raised. The family did not have life insurance.
A candlelight vigil service will be held for Nehemiah Taylen Armstrong on Thurs., Nov. 16, at 5 p.m., at Andalusia Head Start, located at 719 Whatley Street in Andalusia.
Source: View WTVY.com Article
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Staff Report – Posted: Nov 30, 2018 / 01:45 AM CST / Updated: Dec 1, 2018 / 04:03 AM CST
Mother seeks justice for toddler’s death as new details emerge
ENTERPRISE, Ala. (WDHN) — A mother is reliving the death of her 2-year-old son Nehemiah after new medical reports were released providing the child’s cause of death.
The toddler was found unresponsive on Nov. 9, 2017, at a home in Sunny South Trailer Park.
Emery Armstrong left Nehemiah, along with his twin brother and two sisters, to be cared for by her boyfriend’s family while she went to work.
“I had just moved down here, and I was only here for two weeks when it happened,” Armstrong said.
While Armstrong was at work, an emergency call was made to police; Nehemiah was unresponsive.
“The police called my job, and they told me my son was in critical condition and that I needed to go to the hospital,” she said. “I went to the hospital. They finally let me see my daughters, and then they showed me my son Jeremiah, and I was like ‘where’s Nehemiah?’ They showed me him, and he was gone.”
There was nothing more they could do.
“I told them please try again, please,” Armstrong said through her tears.
Nehemiah’s death certificate recently revealed blunt force trauma to the head neck and torso.
“It wasn’t no accident,” Armstrong said.
Still, the cause of death remains undetermined until medical records can be reviewed by forensic specialists.
“What happened to my baby?” Armstrong said. “When I left him, he was fine! I told my baby I loved him, he kissed me, and I told him I would see him later. What do you mean?”
Lt. Billy Haglund with the Enterprise Police Department said that authorities are still looking into the case.
“What I can tell you is it’s still being investigated, and we don’t have any more information to release at this time,” he said.
Whatever happened, Armstrong’s life is now marred forever by the loss of her child.
“A regular day just waking up, getting my kids ready and going to work like usual, turned into a disaster,” she lamented. “I lost everything.”
Source: View DothanFirst.com Article
Criminal Details
Randi Hildreth | November 9, 2018 at 6:42 PM CST – Updated November 9 at 6:42 PM
New medical records released, family seeking justice in toddler’s death
ENTERPRISE, AL (WSFA) – In black ink, written on 2-year-old Nehemiah’s state death certificate it lists the immediate cause of death as blunt force trauma injuries. The lines below detail injuries to his head, neck, and torso. The manner of his death still undetermined.
His mom, Emery Armstrong, said a year later and now with more information about his death – she’s looking for investigators to dig deeper.
“I need help. This wasn’t my homeboy. This wasn’t my homegirl – this was my child. I need justice. It’s been a whole year and nothing has been done. It shouldn’t be that way,” said Armstrong.
One year ago Friday, Emery got a call that ripped her family apart. Her 2-year-old son Nehemiah had died.
Enterprise police say Nehemiah was found unresponsive on Nov. 9, 2017, at a home in Sunny South Trailer Park. Armstrong said Nehemiah along with her three other children – including Nehemiah’s twin brother – were at the home under the supervision of her ex-boyfriend’s family while she was at work.
According to an ambulance report, provided by Armstrong, emergency workers noted when they arrived at the scene a man approached them holding Nehemiah stating that he was already dead and there was nothing that could be done.
Nehemiah was later pronounced dead at the hospital.
On the one-year anniversary of his death – a frustrated Emery was setting up signs outside the Enterprise police department in protest – wearing a shirt with demands for justice.
“Y’all know something happened, so do something about it,” said Armstrong.
Enterprise police confirmed it is still an open case and forensic specialists are reviewing medical records. Lt. Billy Haglund noted there was nothing else that could be released about the ongoing investigation.
Armstrong said she plans to continue to fight for answers.
Meanwhile, time hasn’t faded the grief of loss or the sweet memories of her baby boy.
“It’s a year later, and I still feel the last hug he gave me before he left that day. I still feel the little bitty kisses on my cheek of his lips. I can still hear him running from the kitchen to the living room to me. I still hear the footsteps,” said Emery Armstrong.
Copyright 2018 WSFA 12 News. All rights reserved.
Source: View WSFA.com Article
Justice for Jeremiah & Nehemiah
I, Emery Armstrong, lost my 2-year-old twin son, on November 9, 2017. In a matter of seconds my life was turned around. In response to the mind-numbing pain I am experiencing I’m wanting answers of how my son died and why are these people not in jail for my son’s death.
I, Emery, was at work making a living for my kids. As time went on through the day I received a call no mother wants to receive. The call was that my children was unresponsive and taken to the hospital, to later get to the hospital and find out one of my son is deceased. In the process of me checking on the deceased son, his twin brother was later that night being transferred to Pensacola hospital for further treatment, along with my infant daughter of 6 months being unresponsive also until they started IV’s and that’s when she came to.
My, Emery, kids were left with my at the time boyfriend Miguel Grey and his family that I thought i could trust and this is where the incident occurred. While at the hospital DHR comes in and puts my children in my mother’s custody even though I was at work, while someone I trusted watch my kids.
On November 10, 2018 and November 11, 2018, the doctors in Pensacola ran several test on my twin son that survived. The doctor came in and told me my son had a spilt liver, broken ribs and had been severely beaten. In the process of me going through all of this, DHR comes in and takes my 3 surviving kids away from me until someone is charged in this case. After weeks of visitations and going to court and talking with several people from DHR, my kids was finally put back into the custody on my mother. In which the Grey family seem to know more about my DHR case than I do and I wondering how if it is supposed to be confidential. I’m just curious as to how they know the days I go to court. Why is DHR even communicating with the Grey family. I have spoken with Enterprise Police Department(EPD) several times and they replied to me and said they are trying to build a case and waiting on the toxicology report, while in Pensacola they are saying it wasn’t anything in my son’s system to cause him to be unresponsive.
I am not originally from Enterprise, but the Grey family is, and I don’t know who they know on the Force or in the system but clearly, they are telling them things they shouldn’t know. Clearly if this had of happen while they were with me or in my custody they would have tried everything they could to put me in jail, but in the process, they are doing nothing to the Grey family at all. Something happened to my kids and somebody in that house know what happened to my kids, because clearly on the EMS report it stated the uncle had the child over to EMS with a sheet covering him and said HE IS GONE AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO, and he wasn’t even in a pathetic state or should any kind of sympathy. So, does that not tell you anything EPD. I have text messages where my ex was saying crazy people don’t get charged. The investigators clearly have a case from all the reports I received, I went and picked them up from EPD, EMS, and the Hospital.
When I left my kids that morning with the baby sitter, they were in good health and good spirts. I had no idea that was going to be my last time seeing my son. I want justice for my kids, they clearly didn’t deserve to be beaten and on to death. I really wish someone could give me answers. No mother should ever have to go not knowing how their child died. All I need is answers so I can have closure for my son’s death and justice for all my kids.
My baby body was cold and his eye was swollen which it stated in enterprise hospital medical record & he had a mark on his forehead. And also if the toxicology report and autopsy show that it was no reason for him to be unresponsive then why did he do CPR for no reason. Sounds to me they beat my kids and called and made up a lie saying they was unresponsive. If the police made it to that house in 5 minutes after they made the 911 call then why was my baby body already cold as it is stated in the medical records. I also want to know why isn’t there a case open for my living son Jeremiah Armstrong and my daughter Ari’yonna Dorsey.
I have a picture I took of my kids 4 days before this incident happened, my kids was perfectly fine with smiles on there faces and I am not understanding why anyone would hurt my precious babies.